Manifestation Magic Review: My Honest Opinion (LONG!)

Now more than ever, millions of people suffer from underachievement and lack of fulfillment. They are often presented with lots of self-help programs that promise to help heal them in mere minutes. But is it really that simple?

>> Skip to Conclusion??

You may be perfectly healthy and yet stressful situations come up all the time:

Your boss overworks you all day, your work colleagues look down on you, your marriage is not working, your kids do not respect you, you aren’t getting along with your family members, you are stuck in traffic on the one day you need to get somewhere on time, you miss a lifetime opportunity, your career is plummeting, … the list of stressful situations we encounter on a daily basis is endless.

Manifestation Magic video
(Screenshot of the official site)

I wrote this review of Manifestation Magic (MM) because it was developed to help people maintain an energy balance in their lives, which I believe can be very helpful. The program aims to give you control over all stressful situations and win over any mental struggles you may have.

*** HERE is where you can buy Manifestation Magic ( cheapest way possible )

Now, this is no random cheat solution as many other programs out there promise. If you are looking for an instant no effort solution to all your problems than I am afraid but this program is not for you.

However, if you are willing to invest time, commitment and focus from beginning to the end of this program then you are most certainly in the right place.

With Manifestation magic, you can brace yourself for a complete overturn in your life. You will smile more, sleep better, get less angry and generally enjoy an enhanced quality of life. Read on to learn how you stand to benefit.

Manifestation Magic Review

What is Manifestation Magic?

It is a program that is specifically made for the ordinary human being. A person who has his or her own ups and downs and is looking for some sort of mental balance. The course can be completed in 24 hours. Which is a perk especially for those people with short attention spans.

This program aspires to serve certain purposes in your life. They include helping you;

  • Cultivate deeper connections with your partner
  • Achieve financial prosperity
  • Attract your soul mate
  • Achieve happiness and joy
  • Get your dream home
  • Enhance closeness with family members
  • Find your favorite car and own it
  • Enjoy perfect health, to mention but a few examples.

Who’s behind this program?

Alexander Wilson of Manifestation Magic

He goes by the name of Alexander Wilson. Like many out there, Alexander has had his own fair share of ups and downs. He managed to live a double life where to the outside world, he lived a picture-perfect life but in reality, he drove an old, dilapidated car, lived in a house that was literally falling apart, lost his job, and was involved in a car accident. A string of unfortunate events that should have seen him give up on life. But it is these series of “disasters” as he calls them that led him to discover himself and his path.

See, amongst all the havoc that was occurring, there was a particular constant that kept on appearing in his life. This constant was his Uber driver called Phoenix who happened to be an intuitive healer who worked part-time as an Uber driver.

>> Skip to Conclusion??

During one of their rides, she happened to mention that people have guardian angels. She added that everything in the world is made out of one main ingredient. Energy. This lit a bulb in Alexander’s mind that showed him how to solve his problems and what his quest in life would be.

From then on, things took a new turn and his life started changing for the better. He was no longer dealing with one disaster after another. Instead, he was magically receiving more checks than bills, his writing work flourished, it was like someone waved a magic wand to make all his wishes come true.

What the Manifestation Magic program teaches

+ Energy frequencies

MM teaches you to increase energy vibrations and move up your frequencies. Many people, with their negative thoughts, uncertainties, lack of self-belief and confidence prompt lower energy vibrations to have low frequencies of energy. Alexander Wilson notes that 95 percent of all people use low-frequency energies that attracts negative people, things and events into one’s life. Alternatively, the remaining 5 percent have mastered the art of harnessing high-frequency energy that brings positive things, events and people into one’s life.

+ The conscious and the subconscious

The brain is divided into two parts, the conscious side, and the subconscious side.

The conscious side is that part of the brain we humans use to make normal day to day decisions, solving problems and positive thinking. Examples of conscious activities include; who to make your friend, which type of car to buy, where to go on holiday, which dress to wear, what food to eat at the restaurant and so on. Surprisingly this part of the brain only occupies 5 percent of your mind.

On the other hand, the subconscious mind is the part of your mind that is in the background. Many refer to it as a distant voice that speaks to you at certain moments. It is this part of your brain that deals with traumas dictates how you behave, what beliefs you have and how you feel. It is here where one can choose to store positivity or negativity.

While the conscious side seemingly dominates over the subconscious, it is the subconscious mind that is the most powerful.

+ Energy orbiting

Energy orbiting is the key that helps one change the negative traumas, thoughts, and beliefs in the subconscious mind and conscious mind into positive ones. These are the negative aspects which are to blame for the chain of unfortunate events taking place in your life. Effective energy orbiting is done by reaching deep within yourself into your “Transformation zones”. Here you should control your mind so that it shifts from the Beta state characterized by wakefulness and activity into Theta state characterized by calmness and deep meditation or deep sleep.

Once you achieve the Theta state of mind you are guided by the program to use various techniques such as “subliminal mind commands”. This technique helps you get rid of old patterns and adopt new positive patterns. For instance, you remove negative thoughts that tell you “I am unworthy” and take up new positive patterns that otherwise help you think that “I am powerful and unique. “I am a failure” is replaced by “I can accomplish anything”.

“The rapid effectiveness of these visualizations made it 100% clear this is NOT a scam.”

Nothing is impossible

How to apply these lessons and techniques

It is understandably very difficult for someone who has never meditated to get into the Theta state of mind on their own. MM has conveniently helped lessen the work for you by presenting a shortcut.

By purchasing this program, you get an audio package. Inside it, you will reach a point where audio engineers have input radio sound waves that help you achieve that sense of calmness which you need to enter the subconscious part of the brain.

These sound waves are good at helping you eliminate vibration blocks. Instead, you are easily able to focus and make new thoughts of things you desire in your life.

Here’s another resource I recommend, it’s an article full of tips on how to manifest anything you want, use it as a tool along with the program: MindValley’s article.

I know this review is becoming very long, but bear with me…

Pros and Cons of Manifestation Magic

Like any other program, there are certain good and bad things that come with it. Of course, this depends on your kind of personality where some traits listed as good may be bad for you and other traits listed as bad work pretty well for you.


  • There are no voluminous books to read. In fact, there are no books for you to read at all
  • There are no long courses for you to study
  • Positive reviews and people’s opinions
  • You can see results of using this program in as little as 24 hours
  • You get bonus audio packages
  • Money back guarantee. If after 60 days you haven’t received what you asked for, you can have your money refunded to you.


  • The use of unconventional techniques to help solve your life problems may put off some people. They tend to easily dismiss it as another scam.
  • Some people are better suited when they can read as opposed to when they need to listen. They lose concentration faster when listening to audio.
  • The fact that the Manifestation Magic system can be completed in 24 hours may leave some people suspicious about its authenticity.

Law of Attraction quote


To simplify, the program is divided into two modules.

The first module entails a 15-minute manifestation guide. This is aimed at preparing you to enter the second stage.

The second module is all about Energy Orbiting. Here, you will listen to a series of transformational audio tracks. They include;

  • The twilight transformation – Here, you are required to play this audio track right before you go to bed. Leave the audio playing overnight. While you are asleep, the audio relaxes the mind into Theta state. During this time the audio plays subliminal suggestions that serve to remove negative thoughts in this case referred to as abundance blocks. Thereafter you are ready to receive new positive thoughts into your mindt will eventually transform your life.
  • Additional audio tracks include the “Daytime wealth activator”. This particular audio helps you program your mind for wealth as you do normal activities like watching movies, washing dishes or playing video games. Another audio track is the “10 minute mediator” that helps you meditate in order to reap from the benefits of meditating.

Listening audio tracks


According to Alexander, this is the idea:

Some will receive instant results. In this case, they receive what they ask for within 24 hours of asking for it. Whether you asked for money, peace of mind, love or a new car, you will get it the next day.

Alternatively, for some, it will take a while for the universe to prepare. What happens here is that the universe prepares the events, the people and the resources required to get you what you asked for. As a sign that your gift is on the way, look for a neon sign. It could be anywhere around you but look for it and you will find it.

For example, this interesting post contains several success stories from people applying these methods. I’m sure most of them didn’t use this program to get there, but you do have the chance to use MM as a shortcut.


At the time of writing this, you can purchase the Manifestation Magic program at $47 which is quite affordable considering other similar packages go for almost five times this amount.

This price of $47.00 is only a limited offer for people who buy directly from the site.

You’ll also be offered a few helping tools and additional content which, despite being completely optional and not required to get results, could help you get there.

If you ask me, it is extremely affordable considering the amount of benefits you stand to get.

Money affirmations


Now that our final verdict is coming…

Bonus packages

Once you have bought MM, you do not just take home the course but you will be gifted with additional bonus packages. These includes a set of additional audios such as;

– The Chakra power system

Here you receive 7 audios, each 10 minutes long. The aim of this audio is to help you,

  • Eliminate fears that you have around receiving money
  • Eliminate feelings of disempowerment
  • Eliminate feelings of unworthiness
  • Eliminate confusion in regard to what your purpose or mission in life is

The Chakra power system audios take seven weeks to complete.

– 360 transformation system

This is a compilation of 7 audio tracks that help with additional Energy Orbiting. The audios help awaken your hidden powers by playing you;

  • Health awakening audio track
  • Wealth awakening audio track
  • Whispering waves audio track

When you purchase Manifestation Magic, you will get an application that you can download on your phone or tablet. This conveniently enables you to listen to the audios while on the go. Just press play if you are riding your bike, driving your car, mowing the lawn or walking to work.


I’m happy to say that the entire program is made for everyone. There are no age or gender barriers…

Anyone who’s open minded and willing to give this a try can transform their lives.

It doesn’t matter whether what you are looking for is physical or mental.

If you follow all the instructions and stay focused you will unveil powers within you that you never thought you had.

This is not the ONLY way to get there, but it is a way.

– You can enter the program “here” if you wish… they’ll know I sent you 🙂

– Alternatively, this link will take you to the order form, where you can join.

I sincerely hope this Manifestation Magic review was useful to you…




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Author Rating
Aggregate Rating
2 based on 16 votes
Brand Name
Product Name
Manifestation Magic
USD 47
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One comment

  1. I am really looking forward to listening to this, I have always believed that energy and vibration of sound hold a key to life, 528hz being one of them…

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